THE NAKED TRUTH DUREX QUALITY 100% of our condoms are electronically tested. Five more quality tests are carried out on every batch. To find out more visit www.durexcanada.com A NOTE ABOUT REAL FEEL AND LATEX ALLERGIES: Durex REAL FEEL condoms are made with polyisoprone for a natural skin feeling, this is a non latex material so they are suitable for people who have an allergy to natural rubber latex proteins. We've done tests that show Durex Real Feel condoms have minimal potential for induced delayed hypersensitivity (also called "Type IV allergy" and "allergic contact dermatitis"). Still, some people who are sensitive to latex may also have sensitivity to these condoms. If you do experience irritation or have any allergic reaction stop using them and see a doctor It's good to be in the know, so read the info inside, especially if you are using condoms for anal or oral sex. Remember no method of contraception works 100%, against pregnancy, HIV or sexually transmitted Infections. Keep out of reach of children. FIND YOUR BEST FIT Everyone is different, but the right fit should always be comfortable and secure. EASY-ON, reservoir tip, smooth shape GIRTH LARGE (Nominal width 56mm) LUBE Extra silicone lube ThicknessRegular SMELLS BETTER The way we make Durex condoms makes them smell better Find your best fit www.durexcanada.com

SKU: 067981971767

If you have a prescription for this item, speak with your pharmacist before ordering.

THE NAKED TRUTH DUREX QUALITY 100% of our condoms are electronically tested. Five more quality tests are carried out on every batch. To find out more visit www.durexcanada.com A NOTE ABOUT REAL FEEL AND LATEX ALLERGIES: Durex REAL FEEL condoms are made with polyisoprone for a natural skin feeling, this is a non latex material so they are suitable for people who have an allergy to natural rubber latex proteins. We've done tests that show Durex Real Feel condoms have minimal potential for induced delayed hypersensitivity (also called "Type IV allergy" and "allergic contact dermatitis"). Still, some people who are sensitive to latex may also have sensitivity to these condoms. If you do experience irritation or have any allergic reaction stop using them and see a doctor It's good to be in the know, so read the info inside, especially if you are using condoms for anal or oral sex. Remember no method of contraception works 100%, against pregnancy, HIV or sexually transmitted Infections. Keep out of reach of children. FIND YOUR BEST FIT Everyone is different, but the right fit should always be comfortable and secure. EASY-ON, reservoir tip, smooth shape GIRTH LARGE (Nominal width 56mm) LUBE Extra silicone lube ThicknessRegular SMELLS BETTER The way we make Durex condoms makes them smell better Find your best fit www.durexcanada.com
