Clear formula! Fresh scent! Gradually restores natural-looking colour to grey hair Remove as much grey as you want Works for any colour hair GREY HAIR CAN MAKE YOU LOOK OLDER THAN YOU ARE, FEEL OLDER, TOO. GRECIAN FORMULA 16® WILL "REVERSE THE GREYING PROCESS," CONDITION YOUR HAIR AND LET YOU FEEL LIKE YOURSELF AGAIN. Greying hair is gradually losing its colour pigmentation, melanin. Grecian Formula 16® works with the hair's natural chemistry to produce a pigment acting like melanin, so Grecian Formula 16® restores a rich, natural-looking colour to the hair. And, it works for any colour hair. You can even keep a little grey around the sides if you like. CONTAINS GROOMER AND CONDITIONER. Its Built-In Conditioner makes hair look healthier and actually solves many of the problems of thinning, greying hair. GRECIAN® works for any colour hair.

SKU: 011509002518

If you have a prescription for this item, speak with your pharmacist before ordering.

Clear formula! Fresh scent! Gradually restores natural-looking colour to grey hair Remove as much grey as you want Works for any colour hair GREY HAIR CAN MAKE YOU LOOK OLDER THAN YOU ARE, FEEL OLDER, TOO. GRECIAN FORMULA 16® WILL "REVERSE THE GREYING PROCESS," CONDITION YOUR HAIR AND LET YOU FEEL LIKE YOURSELF AGAIN. Greying hair is gradually losing its colour pigmentation, melanin. Grecian Formula 16® works with the hair's natural chemistry to produce a pigment acting like melanin, so Grecian Formula 16® restores a rich, natural-looking colour to the hair. And, it works for any colour hair. You can even keep a little grey around the sides if you like. CONTAINS GROOMER AND CONDITIONER. Its Built-In Conditioner makes hair look healthier and actually solves many of the problems of thinning, greying hair. GRECIAN® works for any colour hair.
