proactive™ Physiotherapy Drug Free Pain Relief - TENS stimulates nerves for effective and fast pain relief - Includes all accessories Clinically proven Choice of 3 Stimulation Modes: Burst, normal and modulated waveform settings to respond to most treatment protocols. Choice of 3 Different Timer Settings: 15 minutes, 30 minutes and continuous. Gel Pads - Self-adhesive & Reusable. For more information or to Shop Now visit: NEW Less plastic Easy safe relief!

SKU: 775757154206

If you have a prescription for this item, speak with your pharmacist before ordering.

proactive™ Physiotherapy Drug Free Pain Relief - TENS stimulates nerves for effective and fast pain relief - Includes all accessories Clinically proven Choice of 3 Stimulation Modes: Burst, normal and modulated waveform settings to respond to most treatment protocols. Choice of 3 Different Timer Settings: 15 minutes, 30 minutes and continuous. Gel Pads - Self-adhesive & Reusable. For more information or to Shop Now visit: NEW Less plastic Easy safe relief!
