New look #1 DENTIST RECOMMENDED BRAND* *SENSODYNE is the #1 dentist recommended brand for sensitive teeth. Data on file. 24/7 Sensitivity Protection + Strong Teeth & Healthy Gums What does Sensodyne do? Sensodyne provides daily care for sensitive teeth plus all the benefits you would expect from a daily toothpaste-strong teeth, healthy gums and freshness with twice daily brushing.

SKU: 060815039169

If you have a prescription for this item, speak with your pharmacist before ordering.

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New look #1 DENTIST RECOMMENDED BRAND* *SENSODYNE is the #1 dentist recommended brand for sensitive teeth. Data on file. 24/7 Sensitivity Protection + Strong Teeth & Healthy Gums What does Sensodyne do? Sensodyne provides daily care for sensitive teeth plus all the benefits you would expect from a daily toothpaste-strong teeth, healthy gums and freshness with twice daily brushing.

New look #1 DENTIST RECOMMENDED BRAND* *SENSODYNE is the #1 dentist recommended brand for sensitive teeth. Data on file. 24/7 Sensitivity Protection + Strong Teeth & Healthy Gums What does Sensodyne do? Sensodyne provides daily care for sensitive teeth plus all the benefits you would expect from a daily toothpaste-strong teeth, healthy gums and freshness with twice daily brushing.
