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#1 brand uses by pediatricians* and also recommended by moms * Based on a survey reporting that of the surveyed pediatricians (1) who recommend a brand of thermometers, Braun is the most recommended; and (2) who use a branded thermometer, Braun is the most frequently used. Proven more accurate than forehead or rectal** ** Measurements in detecting temperature changes. Nimah, Marianne M., et al. "infrared tympanic thermometry in comparison with other temperature measurement techniques in febrile children." Pediatr crit care med 7.1 (2006): 48-55. Age Precision™ Age-adjustable fever guidance for the entire family Professional technology ensures accuracy every time For infants, children and adults Why measure in the ear? The ear canal is the best site to measure a fever because of its close proximity to the eardrum, which shares the blood supply of the brain's temperature control center. This site allows for a more accurate reflection of the body's core temperature. Exclusive pre-warmed tip technology is designed to minimize the cooling effect of the tip inside the ear canal, providing accurate measurements time after time. Unique positioning system uses a light and beep to confirm proper positioning. Age precision colour-coded display Clinical research shows the definition of fever changes as newborns grow into children and children grow into adults.*** *** Herzog L., Philips S. addressing concerns about fever. Clinical pediatrics. 2011; 50(#5): 383-390. Simply use the Age Precision™ button to select the appropriate age setting, take a temperature and the colour-coded display will glow green, yellow or red to help you understand the temperature reading. Memory function recalls the last 9 temperature readings. Replacement lens filters LF 40

SKU: 328785227666

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